Friday 25 September 2020

Thursday 24 September 2020

Input / Output Multiplication Table


 On a wet morning Room 19 also Room 20 played a game. First we put on our shoes, But we couldn't because it started raining. Instead. We played Heads or Tails. You had to choose heads or tails. if someone chooses head they need to put the hands on their head. If the other people choose tails they need to put their hands on their bottom.  If the coin lands on heads all the people who chose tails have to sit down on their chairs. we played three games Hokulea also Hikianalea won. Even know i didin't win any rounds i still had fun


Wednesday 23 September 2020

Multiplication Patterns

Calvin and Hobbes Punctuation


Calvin and Hobbes were lying in bed when Calvin suddenly sits. up. '' Any monsters under my bed tonight??''. He screams. ''No Nope Uh - uh'' shouts Calvin standing on the edge of his bed. ''Well there'd better not be. I'd hate to have to torch one of you with my flame thrower!" Come the ghostly whispers from under the bed. You have a flame thrower?. Hobbes asks skeptically. " They lie i lie" 
Whispers Calvin from under the covers.

"Wanna see something weird?". Calvin asks Hobbes while standing in the kitchen. :Watch. you put the bread in this slot and pull the lever." Says Calvin while putting his bread into the toaster. The toasted bread files up into the air and Calvin shouts. " Than in a few minutes toast pops up" " 

Wow where does the bread go?." Asks Hobbes. " 
Beats me isn't that weird?" Replies Calvin

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Monday 21 September 2020

Thursday 17 September 2020

3 & 7 Times Table

4 & 6 Times Table

Multiplication facts

Charlie brown punctuation

Charlie Brown shouts from the top of the pitchers mound. '' Lucy look out for the fly ball '' Lucy walks up to Charlie. '' What did you say '' she asks '' I said look out for the fly ball! '' Charlie replies while Lucy walks off. '' Thank you! ''. Exclaims Lucy of the ball hits her in the head.
Linus and Lucy are watching TV late one night. '' I thought you were going to study for a history test.'' Lucy says to Linus '' I don't have to...  i'm just going to put the book under my pillow.'' Replies Linus as he heads off to bed. Linus places the book under his pillow and says to himself. ''During the night the answers will seep upward trough the pillow'' Linus snuggles down under the covers and whispers. '' I hope''.!

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Cross country

Last Friday pt England school had cross country. when i was running really fast. Nikau came 1st. Jack came 2nd  . Ngatokoa came 3rd. i came 11th. after cross country i was really tired. exhausted to. 

Friday 11 September 2020

Subtraction patterns

The new cross country

On a cold morning the year 3 and 4 lined up outside in 2 lines. they walked to see there new cross country course. we went out the gates. We had to go around the red flags. We walked on pt england reserve. I felt nervuos when i was going to run the cross country course.

Conversion between place value

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Subtracting 3 digit numbers with regrouping

Garfield punctuation

'' Where should we go on vacation Garfield.''? Jon asks Garfield excitedly '' The kitchen '' Replies Garfield enthusiasically. '' I don 't know why i talk to you''. Says 
Jon as he walks away in defeat. '' We can set up a tent next to the refrigerator''. Garfield continues eagerly.   
'' Save me its a giant meatball from outer space''. Jon screams as a giant meatball rolls across the table towards him. ''Never fear the meatballinator is here''! Garfield marches in with his fork. Declares Garfield ready to eat. all of a sudden Garfield is awoken from his nap. '' I hate waking up.'' He sighs sadly.

Friday 4 September 2020


Her face is like a flower.
Her smile is like a rainbow.
Her hands are like sparkles.
Her  arms are like waves.
Her legs are like clouds.
Her fingers are like bugs.
Her heart is full of love.
Her stare is like flames.
Her voice is as loud as a plane.
Her laugh is like a clown.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Subtraction 3 digit numbers

Garfield using speech marks

Garfield and Jon stare wearily at their morning coffee says Jon feeling so confused '' My iced coffee is cold '' '' Duh Jon '' Quips Garfield. Garfield waits patiently for Jon to realise what he had said '' And theres ice in it'' Jon questions. Garfield slams his face down onto the table in despair. 

Garfield is lying asleep on the table while Jon grasps his morning coffee. '' We should do something'' Jon suggests wearily. As he turns away Garfield replies '' Yes we should '' Jon looks back at Garfield and suggests again '' I mentioned we should do something right? '' '' This counts as doing something '' Garfield points at the ceiling and declares.